Showing posts with label iPad 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPad 2. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Apple discontinues iPad 2 and replaces it with the iPad 4

Apple iPad 4Apple iPad 2

The Apple iPad 2 has been discontinued on the company's official website starting today, and has been replaced with the Apple iPad 4 which comes with a Retina display. The iPad 2 was previously sold at $399, as a cheaper alternative to the Apple iPad Air. Now its place and price has been borrowed by the 16GB iPad 4.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Apple iPhone 4s, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad mini and iPod Touch 5 jailbroken for life

iOS hacker iH8sn0w has discovered a way to untether jailbreak the iPhone 4s, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad mini and iPod Touch 5 which are powered by the Apple A5(X) processor for life. Details are relatively scarce at this moment regarding the exploit, although if it were ever released in the form of a jailbreak utility, those in ownership of either device would be able to enjoy an potentially indefinite, untethered jailbreak.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Apple iOS 7.0.4 released for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

Apple has just released the iOS 7.0.4 software update for compatible iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. The newest version of Apple's mobile operating system has faced its share of issues with users, and Apple has been working hard at fixing these issues which includes tethering issues and some security holes.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How to improve iOS 7 performance on iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPad 2 and iPad mini

Apple's iOS 7 may be the cream of the company, but those with older devices who have upgraded to the latest version of Apple's mobile platform, would have suddenly found themselves facing performance issues and lags. Some of these lags could be attributed to visual features like the blur effect, that even causes apps like messaging to feel slow and laggy.

So if you own an iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPad 2 or iPad mini you may like to try the following steps to improve your device performance (and even battery life) on iOS 7.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Which iOS 7.0 features will my device receive

Yesterday Apple announced iOS 7.0 at the WWDC 2013 keynote, with a new user interface and several new features and improvements. The first beta of iOS 7.0 is already out to developers but the final version is not expected to be released to the public until later this fall.

Apple iOS 7.0 will be available for the iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad mini and iPod Touch 5. However not all of the new features will be available across these handsets.

If you want to know which features your iOS device will receive with iOS 7.0 check out list of which features will be released to older iOS devices.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Apple iOS 6.0 available for download

iOS_6Today Apple has started seeding their latest version of their mobile operating system iOS 6.0 to various iOS devices around the world. The update is available for the iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, new iPad, iPad 2 and iPod Touch and users should start receiving notifications in the following hours.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

[Guide] How to Jailbreak iPhone 4S and iPad 2 on iOS 5.0.1 using Redsn0w

If you own an or an running iOS 5.0.1, you may already know it can be jailbroken using Absinthe. In fact we have a step-by-step guide on how you can get it done.

The following guide will show you how to untethered jailbreak your A5 powered iPhone 4S or iPad 2 running iOS 5.0.1 using the latest version of Redsn0w.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

[Guide] How to install Siri on iPhone 4, iPad 2 and iPod Touch through WordJelly Siri Server

The Siri voice assistant has stayed exclusive to the Apple iPhone 4S leaving old iOS users to  crave for the feature. While several developers attempted to port Siri to the older devices, no proper method has been established as Siri requires communicating with Apple’s servers in order to work.

Now thanks to the works of a young developer, the WordJelly Siri Server brings free of charge Siri access and even adds Facebook and Twitter integration.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Apple iPad 2 now features 32nm A5 chip for additional 2 hour battery life

The Apple iPad 2 may have to make way for the new iPad, but that doesn’t mean that its shelf life is over. Now Priced at $399, it is the tablet of choice for many, and has now been improved by Apple to make it even more appealing. The newest batch of iPad 2 tablets now ship with Apple’s new 32nm A5 processor. The processor upgrade could offer the iPad 2 an additional 2 hours of battery life compared to the original 45nm A5 processor.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Apple iPad 2 - Review

The Apple iPad 2 features a 9.7-inch multi-touch display, up to 64GB of internal storage, a rear camera for photos, a secondary camera for video calls and is powered by a dual-core A5 processor.The iPad 2 is available in Black and White and has a 3G variant which is available in the U.S. through Verizon and AT&T.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Apple iPad 2 selling as low as $399

With the release of the new iPad the Apple iPad 2 has received the customary $100 discount. This allows the 16GB iPad 2 to be sold as low as $399. While many users will be looking to get their hands on the brand new iPad, this may also be the best time to invest on an iPad 2 if you have been waiting for one.

With the release of the new iPad, Apple has discontinued the 32GB and 64GB iPad 2 models leaving you with only the 16GB WiFi and 3G models to choose from.

A full list of iPad 2 variants and newly discounted prices follow:

Saturday, March 3, 2012

[Comparison] Apple iPad 2 vs. Windows 8 Consumer Preview Tablet

The Apple iPad 2 dominates as the top tablet but the release of the Windows 8 Consumer Preview makes us wonder how Microsoft's own tablets will fair against the iPad phenomenon.

Check out the following comparison between the Apple iPad 2 and Windows Phone Consumer Preview tablet and see which experience your prefer.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

[Comparison] Asus Transformer Prime vs. Apple iPad 2

The Apple iPad 2 may be the dominant tablet in the market, but the Asus Transformer Prime is set to try to win some fans over to the Android camp. So if you are trying to decide between these two premium tablets you may want to check out the following review video to help you decide.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

[Guide] How to Jailbreak iOS 5.0.1 (Untethered) and unlock iPhone 4S and iPad 2 using Absinthe

After being teased for some time now an untethered jailbreak has been released for iOS 5.0.1 in the form of Absinthe for the Apple iPhone 4S and the Apple iPad 2. The tool comes courtesy of the Chronic Development Team with support from the Pod2g and the iPhone Dev Team.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Radio Shack offers savings on iPhone 4 and iPad 2

It's holiday time, and retailers have various offers to sway potential customers to their stores. Radio Shack is looking to use the iPhone 4 and iPad 2 to their advantage and try to get the attention of buyers looking for a good deal on Apple devices and their offerings are quite impressive.

the 8GB version of the Apple iPhone 4 on AT&T is being offered for $69.99 with a 2-year agreement. If you have an old Apple iPhone 3GS you can trade it in for $100 - $200 based on your capacity of either 16GB or 32GB.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Apple iPad 2 gets $50 discounts at Best Buy

Best Buy is offering a $50 discount on the Apple iPad 2 models as an early Black Friday sale. Apple products rarely get treated to discounts and this may be the best deal on the iPad 2 at least until the iPad 3 is launched.

 The least expensive model is the 16GB Wi-Fi model which is priced at $459.99 for both the black and white versions, While the 64GB 3G model which is the most expensive will be down to $784.99.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Apple iOS 5.0 - Download Links

Apple iOS5 is now available for public download. The latest version of iOS offers more than 200 new features and is available for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

You can find out more about the features available on iOS 5 here.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Refurbished Apple iPad 2 units available on Apple Store

If you have been looking out for some soft of deal on the Apple iPad 2, this may be it. Apple is offering refurbished iPad 2 unit on the Apple Store with a $50 discount.

This means you can potentially get a 64GB version of the device for $649 instead of $699 and the 3G version with the same capacity will cost $779 and so on.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Apple iPad 2 - Ad

Check out Apple's latest advertisement for the Apple iPad 2. The iPad continues to dominate the tablet market despite heavy competition from Android.

I think one of the reasons Apple does so well in the tablet market is good advertising.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Apple iPad 2 ships in just 1-3 days

It looks like the supply of the Apple iPad 2 has finally caught up with the demand. If you do order an iPad online it is now ready to ship in 1-3 days, Last week it stood at 3-5 days and 2 months ago at 3 weeks.

At this rate Apple should be ready with iPad shipments within 24 hours soon.