Sunday, March 11, 2012

Apple iPad 2 selling as low as $399

With the release of the new iPad the Apple iPad 2 has received the customary $100 discount. This allows the 16GB iPad 2 to be sold as low as $399. While many users will be looking to get their hands on the brand new iPad, this may also be the best time to invest on an iPad 2 if you have been waiting for one.

With the release of the new iPad, Apple has discontinued the 32GB and 64GB iPad 2 models leaving you with only the 16GB WiFi and 3G models to choose from.

A full list of iPad 2 variants and newly discounted prices follow:

Wi-Fi 3G (AT&T / Verizon) Wi-Fi 3G(AT&T / Verizon)
$399 $529 $399 $529

You can purchase the iPad 2 at the discount price from the Apple Stores or from major retailers like BestBuy.

DJRipster Web Developer

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