Thursday, November 29, 2012

Nokia Lumia 920 vs. Nokia 808 PureView - Audio and video capture

We previously showed you how the new Nokia Lumia 920 faired against the Nokia 808 PureView in photography. This time both PureView camera flagships go head to head in audio and video capture.

The 808 PureView produces clear video which is better exposed. You can get much better close-ups because of the loss-less zoom on the amazon 41 megapixel sensor. Meanwhile the Lumia 920 offers much steadier video capture with its Optical image stabilization.

In terms of audio capturing, the stereo 808 offers a slightly clearer result, while the Lumia 920 offers the same HAAC capture as the 808 but in mono.

Do you agree with the outcome? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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