Showing posts with label HP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HP. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2012

HP TouchPad (32GB) selling for $195

The HP TouchPad may not have sold as well as expected when it first came out, but saw its stocks fly off the shelf during the fire sales. The TouchPads quickly sold out as a result of the sales, but there are still some refurbished units up for grabs.

Friday, January 20, 2012

HP TouchPad with Android ICS via CyanogenMod 9

Check out the following video which shows the HP TouchPad running Android Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) thanks to CyanogenMod 9. This makes the TouchPad one of the first tablets to run ICS despite being sold at just $99 through the Fire Sales.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

HP TouchPad receives webOS (3.0.5) software update

The HP TouchPad users have not been totally forgotten, the company has released an update to their discontinued mobile platform taking the version to webOS 3.0.5. The update fixes some bugs while improving the overall experience.

Monday, January 2, 2012

HP Spectre Ultrabook teased

An HP source has revealed an upcoming ultra thin Ultrabook from HP which is known as the Spactre.  This year will probably see this and many other Ultrabooks running Windows 8 enter the market this year with the Windows team finally having a rival to the MacBook Air. Check it out in the teaser video which follows.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

HP Pre 3 receives webOS 2.2.4 software update

The HP Pre 3 received an update yesterday, with the operating system being updated to WebOS 2.2.4. There are probably not many Pre 3 devices in use around the world, but whomever has one will be happy to see that HP is not totally abandoning their WebOS users.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

[Guide] How to install Android 2.3.7 on the HP TouchPad (CyanogenMod 7.1 - Alpha 03)

The CyanogenMod team has released the alpha 3 build of CyanogenMod 7.1 which is based on Android 2.3 Gingerbread (Android 2.3.7) for the HP TouchPad.

The following step by step guide will show you how to install CyanogenMod 7.1 on your HP TouchPad.

[Guide] How to install Android 2.3.7 on the HP TouchPad (MIUI)

The CyanogenMod 7 may be one of the more popular Android ports for the HP TouchPad, but the MIUI mod which has been recently released may be just as good an option if you are looking to bring Android to the WebOS running tablet.
The following guide to walk you through the steps of installing Android 2.3.7 through the MIUI ROM on your HP TouchPad tablet.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

HP TouchPad successor in webOS future?

Following the all-hands meeting at HP today, there seamed to be some clarity on the future of WebOS. HP CEO Meg Whitman decided that the mobile operating system would be open sourced, but didn't give any indication that the company would follow up with any WebOS hardware. However during a follow up sit-down interview she confirmed that HP hopes to produce more hardware though it would likely only be by late next year or early 2013.

Could this also include a successor to the HP TouchPad?

WebOS to be open source

With the all-hands meeting concluding HP CEO Meg Whitman has made the final decision on the fate of WebOS. The mobile operating system will be open source.

This marks both a beginning and an ending of an era for WebOS which was purchased from Palm a year and a half ago as part of their acquisition. HP has since not been able to bring any innovative WebOS products to the market with attempts of the HP Pre 3 and the HP TouchPad only receiving lukewarm reception.

Friday, December 9, 2011

HP CEO calls all-hands webOS meeting

The last we heard regarding WebOS was that HP CEO, Meg Whitman would be giving her decision on the mobile OS in the next two weeks. It looks like that time has come as the CEO has called a all hands meeting to discuss teh fate of the platform.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

New $99 Fire Sale on HP TouchPads this December

It looks like HP is not ready to let the TouchPad fever die down, as reports are coming in that the company is getting set to launch yet another TouchPad fire sale and it will be well in time for the holiday season.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

HP will give their final verdict on webOS in 2 weeks

Lots of reports have been circulating around and about WebOS since HP's former CEO, Leo Apotheker announced that they will be stopping development and manufacturing for the platform. The current CEO - Meg Whitman has announced that HP will give the final word on what they are planning for the OS in the next two weeks.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

[Guide] How to install Android 2.3.5 on the HP TouchPad

Thanks to the fire sale prices, the HP TouchPad has been sold out and many users may be having the device which is pretty efficient at getting general tablet tasks done, but with next to no app support.

The following guide tells you how to install Android 2.3 Gingerbread (Android 2.3.5) onto your TouchPad and it comes courtesy of Tech-Droid Forums.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

HP TouchPad was number 2 tablet for most of 2011

The WebOS running HP TouchPad may have been discontinued, but thanks to the fire sales on the device it has taken the position of #2 tablet position for the first three quarters of 2011.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Portfolio of buyers eyeing webOS

When HP purchased WebOS from Palm for 1.2 billion, we had high hopes for the platform. But after a failed attempt to capture sufficient demand for the device HP has decided not to manufacture WebOS hardware and the operating system is up for sale.

Friday, November 4, 2011

HP TouchPad 32GB available at TigerDirect

TigerDirect seams to have a stash of illusive HP TouchPad tablets, and the will have them available for purchase soon. The version is available is the  32GB model, but will cost $279.99 with a little twist.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

HP talks about Windows 8 Tablet and webOS future

HP CEO Meg Whitman has confirmed that the company is planning a Windows 8 tablet. This news comes after she confirmed that HP will keep their PC division and will not be spinning it off to another company

Saturday, October 29, 2011

HP TouchPad coming to Best Buy but with a catch

Yesterday HP finally announced that they have run out of HP TouchPad all together. All those who signed in to be notified of device availability were notified that their stock has totally depleted. But the email from HP also informed users to check with local retailers for availability and it looks like one retailer has some devices in stock.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

[Guide] How to install Android 2.3.7 on the HP TouchPad (CyanogenMod 7.1 - Alpha 01)

The CyanogenMod team has released the first Alpha build of CyanogenMod 7.1 which is based on Android 2.3.7 Gingerbread for the HP TouchPad.

The following step by step guide will show you how to install CyanogenMod 7.1 on your HP TouchPad.

Friday, September 16, 2011

HP Pre 3 - Going back on sale this week

Following the demand for the HP TouchPad, the folks at HP have decided to give the HP Pre 3 also a go at the market. The device is aimed at the European Audience and more specifically those in France.