Friday, November 1, 2013

How to install the new Google launcher and apps from Android 4.4 KitKat on any Android

Android 4.4 KitKat comes with several new improvements and enhancements, including the new Google Experience Launcher. There is a new color scheme, new icons, new default apps and new functionalities like the ability to evoke Google Now on your homescreen by simply saying "OK Google" or swiping on your homescreen.

Widgets are no longer in the app drawer and can now be accessed directly from the homescreen with a long press. The creation of homescreens are also dynamic. Allowing you to create homescreens as you need them instead of being limited to a certain number.

If you want to try out the new Android 4.4 experience on your Android device you can download the APKs using the following links

  • Download Google Play Services (PreBuiltGmsCore.apk)
  • Download Google Search/Google Now (Velvek.apk) (v3.0.17.886092)
  • Download Google Experience Launcher (GoogleHome.apk)
We tested these APKs on our Nexus 4 and it seemed to work without any issues. If you have any issues with Google Search try changing the search language, reboot, start the new launcher, then go back to the language of choice you had initially.

New homescreen in Android 4.4New app drawer in Android 4.4Swipe to access Google Now in Android 4.4Customize Homescreen on Android 4.4Google Settings in Android 4.4Widgets in Android 4.4Google Now in Android 4.4

You could also try out the following APKs for an even more immersive Android 4.4 experience.
  • Downloads Google Hangouts APK (v2.0.012)
  • Download Android 4.4 Keyboard APK (v2.0.19003.893803a)
  • Download Android 4.4 Camera APK (v2.0.001)
  • Download Android 4.4 Wallpapers
Once you have installed and tried out this Android 4.4 experience on your device, be sure to leave us a comment on which device you are using and how your experience has been with these apps

DJRipster Web Developer

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