Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Google I/O 2011 - Day 02

The Google I/O 2011 is set to take place from the 10 - 11 May in the Moscone Center in San Fransisco. The sessions covered include Android, Google APIs, Maps, Chrome and more. Click here for a list of the sessions here. Click here for the full Agenda of the Google I/O 2011.

Check out yesterday's announcements here. And check out today's announcements which follows:
  • Chrome Update - Google has 160 Million active users as of today, which is a great improvement since it's 70 Million recorded at last year's Google I/O
  • In App Payment for WebApps - Chrome Web Apps allow developers to have in app payments for web apps with a single line of code.
  • Angry Birds for Chrome - A special version of Angry Birds has been launched for the Google Chrome Web Store. If you dont use chrome, you can still access it here.
  • Chromebooks - Google will release two ChromeBooks starting June 15, from Acer and Samsung, for consumers, businesses and schools in 7 countries.
  • Chromebook Subscriptions - Chromebooks will be available for a monthly subscription of $28 for businesses and $20 for schools.
  • Google Tasks API - This API allows developers to develop apps which interact directly with Google tasks.
  • Java Port for ROS - rosjava released, which is a pure Java port of ROS which enables development of Android apps for robotics.
  • In-App payment in Chrome Web Store previewed.
Google I/O attendees were promised Chromebooks which they will receive on June 15 after the official launch.
DJRipster Web Developer

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