Monday, April 7, 2014

Next version of Android expected to bring multitasking improvements and more

AndroidWhile Google is reading the Android 4.4.3 software update for select devices, rumors of the next iteration of Android (Android 4.0 or Android 5.0) are starting to pick up. Occasionally Google makes significant changes with their Android releases and the next version is expected to include, what is known internally in Google as 'Project Hera'.

Project Hera is expected to bring an aligned, synchronized experience across Android, Chrome and Web apps, with users able to carry out tasks in a seamless manner throughout the range of Google platforms. Google is reportedly working on a specially-adapted Chromium build that can run on Android, executing Web-based tasks for Google’s range of apps. Third party support is expected down the line, but it looks like the service will initially be introduced on Google's own products.

Multitasking will be significantly bumped, since Hera will be able to guide a user to instances of running apps that could be performed via the special Chromium infrastructure. In effect, a user would be able to carry out an action quickly, and via the Web, without having to interact with a full app.

Hera is expected to bring a card like multitasking UI to Android, similar to what is offered on Google Now. By bringing a Chrome desktop sync-like experience across the range of Google Apps, Hera would seamlessly pick up on tasks created on linked devices, adding a multitasking card to its interface and allowing a user to remain abreast of all information and tasks in one neat, manageable location.

At this point is it unknown if Google will have Hera ready in time for this year's Google I/O and the expected Android 4.5 / 5.0 unveiling. In any case it is important to understand that all this information is based on rumors and should be considered as nothing more until official information is made available.

source - Android Police
DJRipster Web Developer

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