Monday, October 3, 2011

Visit the Nokia Lounge during Gitex 2011

Have you ever wished your app idea could make its way to a mobile platform?  Do you like in the U.A.E. ? Nokia is offering you that opportunity with their "Pitch your App" competition. Pitching your app idea could land you your own reality show to make your app a success.

You can visit the Nokia Lounge during Gitex 2011 for a chance to come, meet, compete and win. You will be able to
  • Chill out, chat and share ideas with other experts from the industry
  • Stay on top of what's happening with info on Nokia's latest products, software and solutions. 
  • Find out how you can collaborate with Nokia to create the next wave of apps and services.
  • Bring your app ideas to life by participating the the 'Pitch your app' competition.
Event information
  • Date - October 11, 2011
  • Time - 7.00 PM onward. 
  • Location - Congress Room, Level 7, Emirates Towers Hotel, Dubai. (View in Nokia Maps)

If you live nearby and wish to attend you can submit your registration by clicking here.
DJRipster Web Developer

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