Thursday, September 2, 2010

Windows Phone 7 RTM celebration

To mark the release of Windows Phone 7 to RTM, the Windows Phone 7 team arranged a special event marking the funerals of both Apple's iPhone and RIM's BlackBerry.

The event took place outside Microsoft's Redmond campus last week. Employees were dressed in what seamed like Halloween attire alongside the hearses designed for their two top competitors. (It was strange that Google's Android was left out).

Rumors are circulating in favor of an early release. Which shows good signs for the mobile OS. With iPhone and BlackBerry having a strong user base, it will be interesting how the introduction of this new mobile OS will affect the overall Mobile user base.

Check out more photos below:

Check out this video of the Microsoft employees performing to the 'thriller' dance. Probably symbolizing that the dead will rise again :)

Device Providers like Nokia who are fighting hard to make a mark in the U.S. Smart Phone Market would definitely be affected by the launch of WP7. I am not sure how much this would affect the Android user base which is still in the process of growing. At the end it will boil down to two things. How much will the OEM providers support Windows Phone 7 and if Microsoft will release their own devices like Apple and RIM, to directly combat the market share.
DJRipster Web Developer

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