Monday, February 3, 2014

[iOS app] Paper - stories from Facebook

Following the recent announcement, Facebook's Paper for iOS is now available on the Apple App Store. Facebook's Paper is essentially a redesigned Facebook app with some added customization. Paper offers a completely new way to experience your Facebook feed with card-like swipes between posts, and Flipboard-like animations when opening an article link; and, it's a new way to create posts for your Timeline. In fact we find it resembles Facebook Home on Android quite a bit in terms of its layout.

You can download the app directly on your iOS device through the Apple App Store or by using the link which follows:

Download Download from iTunes
Price Free
Requirements iOS 7.0 or greater

Facebook Paper for iOS has the following features:
  • Browse stories from your Facebook News Feed in beautiful new layouts.
  • Customize your Paper with sections about your favorite themes and interests.
  • Unfold beautifully designed article covers for news and stories from trusted sources.
  • Tilt the screen to explore vivid high-resolution photos and see details up close.
  • Watch fullscreen videos that come to life and fill the screen.
  • Use simple, natural movements to thumb through Paper uninterrupted.
  • Craft your own stories and see exactly what your posts will look like before you share them.

Interestingly Facebook's Paper is not the first app to carry its name. The company FiftyThree already has a Paper for iOS app on the store, which is a digital notebook app. FiftyThree's Paper for iOS features a wide variety of brush options that you can use from pencil to calligraphy pens to watercolors and more, which allow for amazing drawings and digital paintings to be created.When FiftyThree heard about Facebook's app, it was surprised at the name choice and contacted Facebook about it. Facebook reportedly apologized, but never said anything about changing the name.

So, FiftyThree CEO and co-founder Georg Petschnigg has written a blog post asking that Facebook change the name of its app. Petschnigg notes that his company has numerous ties to Facebook, but says:
There’s a simple fix here. We think Facebook can apply the same degree of thought they put into the app into building a brand name of their own. An app about stories shouldn't start with someone else’s story. Facebook should stop using our brand name.
As yet, Facebook has not responded to FiftyThree or responded to media requests about the matter. We honestly think Facebook should take the high road at this point, and we are curious to see what the company chooses to do
DJRipster Web Developer

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