Monday, April 23, 2012

SkyDrive storage to be reduced to 7GB

The with 25GB may have been a little too good to last as it turns out that new adopters will have to settle for just 7GB. This is still better than the 5GB offered by Apple’s iCloud and the rumored 5GB to be introduced with Google Drive, but it is still a big drop from the large 25GB which made SkyDrive stand out.

However if you have been already using over 4GB of your 25GB of storage before April 1st your storage will remain at the full 25GB If not head over to right now and opt for the free upgrade to 25GB or you may be dropped back down to 7GB and have to pay for future updates.



SkyDrive for Windows Phone was recently updated to version 2.0 which brought new features to the mobile platform. It’s clear that Microsoft is working hard on improving their client in time for the launch of Windows 8 which comes with great cloud integration.

You can purchase SkyDrive upgrades by 20GB, 50GB or 100GB increments which will cost you $10, $50 or $50 a year respectively.
DJRipster Web Developer

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