Friday, November 11, 2011

[Android app] Smart Actions for Motorola Droid RAZR

Motorola demonstrates 'Smart Actions' an application which will debut on the Motorola Droid RAZR. The application allows the user to enable certain rules on the device which will apply certain actions at set times.

The functionality of the application is similar to Nokia Bots. It makes use of the device clock and GPS to adjust display brightness and audio profiles based on set rules. The outcome offers increased battery life up to 30%.

You can even do things like, set the browser to open a certain web page at a certain time, or make your device switch to silent mode based on your meetings and appointments. Motorola has included some pre-loaded rules which you can check out. The demonstration video which follows, should give you a clearer idea of what you can expect from this application.

source - Motorola
DJRipster Web Developer

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