Showing posts with label Firefox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Firefox. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Mozilla Firefox 30 is now available for download - Here's what is new

Mozilla has just released Firefox version 30.0 for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android. Firefox 30 is a minor update in terms of functionality that has been added or changed in the browser. This is in stark contrast to Firefox 29 which introduced the Australis interface to the browser.

You can download the update to your device by heading over to Help > About on your Firefox browser or by pointing your browser to You can also download the latest version and install the update manually using the links which follow

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mozilla Firefox 29 is now available with major redesign and Firefox account integration

FirefoxMozilla has just released a major update for Firefox, bringing version 30.0 along with the Australis user interface, which the company has been working on for almost two years. This is the most radical design change to the Firefox user interface in recent history, giving it a more Chrome like feel rather than the Firefox interface we are used to.

You can download the update to your device by heading over to Help > About on your Firefox browser or by pointing your browser to You can also download the latest version and install the update manually using the links which follow

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mozilla Firefox 28 is now available for download

Mozilla has released Firefox version 28.0 for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android platforms. The update brings a few new features and improvements to the web browser. Version 28 of Firefox for Windows was also supposed to bring the long-awaited Windows 8 Metro version of the browser, but it was removed from the final version citing poor demand.

You can download the update to your device by heading over to Help > About on your Firefox browser or by pointing your browser to You can also download the latest version and install the update manually using the links which follow:

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Firefox 27 is now available for download

Mozilla has released Firefox 27 for Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. The update reportedly makes the web browser faster, more secure and more social on the desktop platforms. Firefox for Android has also been updated with a fix for Flash on KitKat, WebRTC, new languages, UI tweaks and more.

You can download the update to your device by heading over to Help > About on your Firefox browser or by pointing your browser to You can also download the latest version and install the update manually using the links which follow:

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Firefox 25 is now available for download

Mozilla has released Firefox 25 for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android devices. The update brings a few new changes and improvements including Web Audio support to desktop browsers and a new guest browsing mode for Android. You will find the detailed update change-log after the break

You can download the update to your device by heading over to Help > About on your Firefox browser or by pointing your browser to You can also download the latest version and install the update manually using the links which follow:

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Firefox 23 is now available for download

Mozilla has released Firefox version 23 for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android. The update brings several new features and improvements including a slight modification to the logo. The desktop versions offer a new filter system that helps stop insecure content from any kind of unwanted threat. Although your HTTPS websites are secure as such, they often include non-secure content, but the filter in place will now mean that such content cannot be compromised.

You can download the update to your device by heading over to Help > About on your Firefox browser or by pointing your browser to You can also download the latest version and install the update manually using the links which follow:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Firefox 22 is now available for download

Mozilla has released Firefox version 22 for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android. The new version brings several new features and improvements to the web browser, including support for 3D gaming, video calls and file sharing. The update also offers developers enhanced compatibility with less requirement for plugins and other unnecessary third-party installations.

You can download the update to your device by heading over to Help > About on your Firefox browser or by pointing your browser to You can also download the latest version and install the update manually using the links which follow:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

[Android app] Firefox updated (19.0)

Mozilla has released Firefox for Android version 19.0 which brings a few new features, improvements and security enhancements. Firefox for Android is the free mobile web browser that puts the power of the open web in your hands. Firefox for Android is fast, easy to use, & customizable, with the latest security and privacy features to help you stay safe on the internet.

You can download the update directly on your device through the Google Play Store or by using the following link:

Firefox 19 is now available for download

Mozilla has released Firefox 19 which follows the Firefox 18 release in January. The new version which is available to Windows, Mac OS and Linux computers, brings a few new features, improvements and bug fixes. The biggest addition for the new platform is the inclusion of a built-in PDF viewer, a feature found on other browsers that has been sorely missing for Firefox users.

Mozilla has also released Firefox 19 for Android which you can download through the Google Play Store.

You can download the update on your Windows, Mac OS or Linux computers by heading over to Help > About on your Firebox browser or by pointing your browser to You can also download the latest version and install the update manually using the links which follow:

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

[Android app] Firefox updated (18.0)

Firefox for Android has been updated to version 18.0 and brings a few new features, improvements and security updates. Firefox for Android is the free mobile web browser that puts the power of the open web in your hands. Firefox for Android is fast, easy to use, & customizable, with the latest security and privacy features to help you stay safe on the internet.

You can download the update directly on your Android device through the Google Play Store or by using the link which follows:

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Firefox 18 is now available for download

Following the release of Firefox 17 in November last year, Firefox 18 is now available for download for Windows, Mac OS and Linux computers. The update brings several new features and general performance improvements and continues Mozilla’s efforts to release a new update to their browser once every six-weeks.

Mozilla has also released Firefox 18 for Android which you can download through the Google Play Store.

You can download the update on your Windows, Mac OS or Linux computers by heading over to Help > About on your Firebox browser or by pointing your browser to You can also download the latest version and install the update manually using the links which follow:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Firefox 17 is now available for download

Mozilla has released Firefox 17.0 which is available to download for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. This release follows Firefox 16 which arrived in October and continues Mozilla’s vigorous release cycle of rolling out improvements every six weeks or so. The update includes a few new features along with several performance enhancements and bug fixes.

Mozilla also released Firefox 17 for Android, also bringing the security and performance improvements to the mobile platform.

You can download Firefox 17 for Windows, Mac or Linux using the following links:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Firefox 16.0.1 released, fixes security vulnerability on Firefox 16

Mozilla has released yet another update to Firefox which takes it to version 16.0.1 and fixes the security flaw which caused Mozilla to take down Firefox 16. If you managed to download version 16, make sure you update to the latest version to protect yourself from the security flaw.

You can download the update directly on your device by opening Firefox, clicking Help under the Firefox menu and About. You can also download the latest version using the following links.

Firefox 16 update pulled back due to security issue

Mozilla released Firefox 16 a couple of days ago, but abruptly removed the download from the company’s website on October 10, after a serious security vulnerability was discovered the day after its release. Mozilla’s director of security assurance announced the removal of the download on the Mozilla Security Blog and explained the details of the vulnerability.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

[Android app] Firefox updated (16.0)

The Mozilla Firefox for Android has been updated to version 16 and brings several new features and improvements. The change log will be available after the break.

You can download the update directly on your device through the Google Play Store or by using the link which follows:

Firefox 16 is now available for download

Mozilla has released Firefox 16 and is it now available for download for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. The update brings support for web apps on all desktop operating systems. Similar to Google Chrome, developers will be able to release their web apps for the Firefox browser.

You can download the latest version by heading over to or by using the links which follow:

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Firefox 14 is now available for download

It has been a little over a month since Firefox 13 was released to the public and we now have a new version upon us. Mozilla has released Firefox 14 to the masses and it brings some useful changes.

You can download Firefox 14 for Windows, Mac OS or Linux directly on your respective devices or using the links which follow:

[Android app] Firefox updated (14.0.1)

The Firefox for Android app has been updated (14.0.1) and brings several new features and improvements. Firfox for Android allows you to take your desktop browser with you on your Android device along with your bookmarks and browsing history.

You can download the latest version directly on your device through Google Play or by using the link which follows:

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

[Android app] Firefox updated (10.0.5)

The Firefox for Android app has been updated  to version 10.0.5 and brings improved sync set-up along with some bug fixes. Firefox for Android allows you to keep your browsing history and bookmarks on your mobile device when you are on the go.

You can download the latest update directly on your device through Google Play or by using the link which follows:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Firefox 7 now available for download

Mozilla continues to keep up with it's rapid release schedule with the release of Firefox 7. The latest version of the browser has been made available on all platforms and has one focus - SPEED. 

Mozilla has been working on many features and aspects of the Firefox browser in previous builds, but hope to target the one major issue being it's memory management. The new version implements the results of Mozilla's MemShrink project and the outcome seems quite good, as Firefox does show vast improvements in performance. Especially in computers with lesser memory.