Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Firefox 14 is now available for download

It has been a little over a month since Firefox 13 was released to the public and we now have a new version upon us. Mozilla has released Firefox 14 to the masses and it brings some useful changes.

You can download Firefox 14 for Windows, Mac OS or Linux directly on your respective devices or using the links which follow:

The new version of Firefox is focused on improving security. While the open source browser is not commonly known for security lapses, it is good to know that the folks at Mozilla are working continuously to improve their product.

Google searches made on your browser are automatically encrypted. This heightened security will benefit all users of Firefox, especially those on a wireless connection who are more vulnerable to intrusions.

Support for Pointer Lock API has been added to Firefox 14 which will offer improved mouse control. This will benefit those who use web-based apps and games frequently. In a future where HTML5 based content becomes more and more common, Pointer Lock improvements are greatly welcome.

Mac OS users will be happy to know that Firefox 14 now supports full screen browsing. With Chrome and Safari already having full screen web browsing mode, it is about time that Firefox introduced the feature which was first introduced with Mac OS X 10.8 Lion last year.

One feature that hasn't made the cut to Firefox 14 is the Metro browsing mode. While Mozilla has demonstrated the concept of their touch based browser, they have still to release a public version.

If you are looking for Mozilla Firefox 14 for Android, click here.
DJRipster Web Developer

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