Thursday, July 28, 2011

First Windows Phone Mango device revealed

Yesterday Microsoft revealed that Windows Phone (Mango) 7.5 has been released to manufacturing (RTM) and the first device running the latest mobile OS from Microsoft has been revealed. The device is manufactured by Fujitsu-Toshiba and is called the IS12T and will be water and dust proof which itself seems a first for a smartphone.

The Fujitsu-Toshiba IS12T will also feature a 13.2MP camera and 32GB of internal memory and be powered by a Qualcomm MSM8655 (speed not yet disclosed) which is quite impressive. With it's Mango update, Windows Phone will bring features like Skydrive and Internet Explorer 9 mobile to the device adding to it's impressive set of features.
Check out some photos of the device courtesy of Engadget:


Check out a hands on with the IS12T also courtesy of DigInfoTV

The IS12T will be made available in Japan through KDI's au network. No information has been made available regarding international availability.
DJRipster Web Developer

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