Wednesday, April 18, 2012

[Android app] Bump updated (3.2.0)

Android_BumpThe Bump application for Android has been updated to version 3.2.0 which offers an improved photo selector which allows you to select photos from different folders.

You can download the latest version directly on your device through Google Play or by using the link which follows:

Price Free
Requirements Android 2.1 or above

Bump is a cross platform application which allows you to bump two phones together to share photos, contacts, and apps!
You can use Bump to share contact information and photos and more.
  • Share Contacts: Share your contact info; connect on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
  • Share Photos: Share photos with friends and family
  • Find mutual friends: Find friends in common with people you bump from your social networks and phone contacts
  • Sync devices: Move contacts and photos between devices
  • Share apps: Share app recommendations

DJRipster Web Developer

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