Showing posts with label HD2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HD2. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

HTC HD2 receives Android ROM from Nokia X

HTC HD2The HTC HD2 continues to be one of the most resilient smartphones of all time. The handset which was first released way back in 2009 has now released the forked Android which runs on the Nokia X. The HTC HD2 was originally released with Windows Mobile Professional 6.5 and has received ports to Windows Phone 7, Android, Windows Phone 8, Windows RT and even Firefox OS.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

HTC HD2 receives Firefox OS port

The HTC HD2 was first launched back in 2009, with Windows Mobile and carried a 4.3 inch screen that was exceptionally large for the time. Over the last four years, developers have been able to hack the phone to run on Android 4.1, Windows Phone 8, Ubuntu and even Windows RT, despite the outdated specs inside the handset, Now, developers have managed to port Firefox OS onto the device

Saturday, December 29, 2012

HTC HD2 receives a Windows RT port

The HTC HD2 is a very popular smartphone among developers and despite its age, it has had Windows Phone 7Android 4.1 and Windows Phone 8 ported to it. The WP8 port to date was the most surprising to us, especially considering Microsoft’s claim that current Windows Phone 7 hardware was incapable of running their latest operating system.

Now developers have managed to top their previous feat by porting Windows RT to the HTC HD2.

Friday, November 30, 2012

HTC HD2 gets to sample Windows Phone 8

The HTC HD2 was a device ahead of its time when it first launched featuring a 4.3-inch touch display, 5 megapixel camera with dual-LED flash and powered by a 1GHz single core Snapdragon S1 processor with Adreno 200 graphics  448MB of RAM. Everyone expect that Microsoft would offer an upgrade to the device for Windows Phone 7 because of its more than capable hardware. While it never officially received an update, the developer community have ported various versions of Windows Phone 7 and even ported Android 4.1 Jelly Bean to the device.

The most recent news is even more surprising as developers have now managed to port the newest Windows Phone 8 on the HTC HD2.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

HTC HD2 receives Android 4.1 Jelly Bean port

For those of you who don't remember the , it was one of the large Windows Mobile 6.5 devices which features some very powerful hardware at its time. The device has been treated to various version of Android OS and Windows Phone over its lifetime (and even after) and now it has been treated to the latest version from Google’s camp – Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.

Monday, November 21, 2011

[Guide] How to install Android 4.0.1 ICS on HTC HD2

The Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) source code has been handed over to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). So it should be no surprise that the community has taken lead to bring ports of ICS to some of the popular devices.

You can check out the guide for installing Android 4.0 ICS on the Samsung Galaxy S II here.

But now the community has also brought a port of Android ICS to a Windows Mobile device, the popular HTC HD2 has also received ICS and you can find the step by step guide to install Android 4.0 ICS on your HTC HD2.

Monday, January 24, 2011

[Guide] How to Dual Boot Android and Windows Phone on HTC HD2

The HTC HD2 comes with Windows 6.5. But thanks to the hard work from the folks at XDA developers, you can now install Android and Windows Phone 7 on the device.

But what would you think about Dual-Booting Android and Windows Phone 7 on this device? The XDA Developers just made that possible.

The following guide will take you through how to dual boot Windows Phone 7 and Android on the HTC HD 2

[Guide] How to install Android on HTC HD2

Several users were disappointed when the very capable HTC HD2 wasn't updated to Windows Phone 7 and forced to remain on Windows Mobile 6.5. Especially when it had the hardware capable of running modern mobile operating systems. Luckily developers have managed to port the Android operating system to this once proud Windows Phone.

If you want to try it out for yourself, check out the following guide shows you how to install Google's Android 2.2 on the HTC HD2.

Friday, January 14, 2011

[Guide] How to install Windows Phone 7 on HTC HD 2

Even though the HTC HD2 is a fairly new device, it never got a chance to go beyond Windows Mobile 6.5 update. The hardware keys on the device were blamed for this, even though the internal hardware itself was capable of running Windows Phone 7.

Now we have a guide that will show you how to install Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 on your HTC HD 2.