Showing posts with label Apollo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apollo. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

[Live Blog] Windows Phone Summit 2012


Microsoft seams to be on a role following their announcement of the Microsoft Surface tablet at the special event which took place a couple of days ago.
Now the folks at Redmond are getting set to reveal another well kept secret – Windows Phone 8 (aka Apollo) and it happens on June 20.

The event is set to to kick off at 9 AM PST(12 NOON EST) and we will be bringing you live coverage of the event as it takes place.

Windows Phone 8 – What we know so far

Today Microsoft announcement Windows Phone 8 (formally codenamed Apollo) during the Windows Phone 2012 Summit.

While the software giant didn’t get into too much detail about their mobile operating system, they shared 8 main features which will be a part of Windows Phone 8.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Windows Phone Summit scheduled for June 20, sneak peek into the future of Windows Phone promised

Microsoft has open registrations for the Windows Phone Summit which is scheduled to take place on June 20 in San Francisco.

The event was initially expected to span two days but has seemingly been reduced to a single day event.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Microsoft wont upgrade to Windows Phone 8 says Paul Thurrott

Currently there is very little we know about Windows Phone 8 (Apollo), only that it will be greatly based on the Windows 8 kernel, thus bringing a closer bond with Microsoft’s desktop platform. However the one simple question on everyone’s mind is if Microsoft will bring Windows Phone 8 to current generation Windows Phones. Paul Thurrott says - No.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Windows Phone 8 being tested on Lumia handsets ?

Recent reports on Windows Phone 8 (Apollo) making its way to current Windows Phone devices have been contradictory. While some suggested that the current Windows Phone handsets like the will be updated to Apollo others suggested that Microsoft and OEMs will have a whole new series of handsets and hardware specifications to run the next generation of Windows Phone.

However new reports suggest that the latest version of Microsoft’s mobile operating system is being tested on Lumia handsets including the and even the .

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Windows Phone Apollo - Coming in mid 2012

Now that Windows Phone Mango is now upon us, its time to look to what Microsoft has in store next, and that is Windows Phone Apollo. The next version of Windows Phone is due to be released sometime between the end of the second quarter and the beginning of the third quarter of 2012.

This news comes from Microsoft's Executive Vice President of Location and Commerce - Michael Halbherr. He also said that Apollo will be a "very different game" when compared to Mango.  This makes us wonder if Apollo will be a major release Windows Phone 8 instead of an interim release as it was first rumored to be.