Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Apple OS X (10.7.2) Lion released with iCloud support

Apple has released the final version of OS X (10.7.2) Lion to the public. The new version of OS X comes with support with iCloud and allows you to sync the data on your computers with your iOS 5 devices and OS X Lion computers.

Apple has released Lion alongside iOS 5 which brings significant new features and improvements to the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. If you want to read about the new features on iOS 5 click here.

OS X Lion was first released on July 20 this year and packs over 250 new features. Apple has focused on bringing the best features of iOS to OS X in Lion which includes an online application store, full screen apps, multi gestures and now synchronization with the iCloud cloud services.  OS X Lion also features Mission Control, Versions, Air Drop and improvements to the Mail application. You can read more about OS X Lion here.

If you want to update to the latest version of OS X Lion you can get it from the App Store or download the the full update file from here.

If you are still using Snow Leopard, you can download OS X Lion using the link which follows:

iTunes, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store

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