Sunday, May 18, 2014

LG Lucid 3 - Video Review

LG Lucid 3
The LG Lucid series has reached its third generation on Verizon's network with the introduction of the LG Lucid 3. The device offers the specs and features that cater to an audience looking for an affordable smartphone. With so many choices already floating about, it’s going to be interesting if this year’s model can stand above the rest in the entry-level segment to stand out in the minds of consumers.

In the current market the Lucid 3 faces tough competition in the form of devices like the Google Nexus 5 and the Motorola Moto G. However anyone willing to sign a two year contract with Verizon, would be happy picking up the Lucid 3 for free. On the flip side, if you’re out to pick up something off-contract, its $299.99 cost makes it a tough consideration over the other options available right now.

source - PhoneArena | PhoneDog
DJRipster Web Developer

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