Monday, February 3, 2014

Nokia Lumia 1020 vs. Lumia 1520 vs. Lumia 925 camera comparison

Nokia Lumia 1020 vs Lumia 1520 vs Lumia 925 vs Lumia 2520 vs Lumia 625

The Nokia Lumia 1020 which has 38MP camera goes up against the 19MP camera of the Lumia 1520, the 8MP camera on the Lumia 925, the 6MP camera on the Lumia 2520 tablet, and the budget friendly 5MP camera on the Lumia 625.

While Lumia 1020 had no sharpening used at all, and it gave the most accurate color representation, it was also the slowest among the phones tested. The huge sensor doesn't really help when the photo has to be processed, so Lumia 1020 took its time. Nokia's camera flagship is as quick to focus as the others, but shot-to-shot times are very slow in comparison.

Next slowest was the Lumia 1520 with its near-20MP sensor, despite is fast Snapdragon 800 processor. It also introduces a reddish hue over the shots, scoring low on the color representation scale. The two cheaper phones only measured up against the 1020 monster and the 1520 phablet in color fidelity and speed, stepping aside for the other aspects.

source - Sofica
DJRipster Web Developer

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