Wednesday, December 18, 2013

LG G Flex vs. HTC One max - Video Comparison

The HTC One max in may ways is like an over-sized HTC One. In comparison, the LG G Flex is a very different phone, one that manages to move beyond what LG has done already with the LG G2.

On a negative note, the G Flex can be a costly $940 investment if plan to bring it to the U.S. The HTC One max is more reasonably priced at $600 off contract

However, if you are looking for something that’ll impress your friends, the LG G Flex is undeniably the phone that’ll get the job done with its unconventional shape and spiffy technological attributes.

You can read a detailed comparison between the LG G Flex and the HTC One max on PhoneArena
DJRipster Web Developer

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