Thursday, May 16, 2013

Nokia Lumia 925 vs. HTC One - Low light photography

The Nokia Lumia 925 is definitely a great device in low light conditions. Its 8.7 megapixel PureView camera has an ISO which can go up as much as 3200, which should theoretically result in amazing low-light photos. To prove this the Lumia 925 goes head to head against the HTC One with its 4 MP UltraPixel camera in an attempt to better its competitor and it even attempts the feat without its flash turned on.

What do you think of the comparison? Is it enough to conclude that the Lumia 925 is the better of the two? We personally can't wait to put the Lumia 925 through our own series of tests to find out.

Meanwhile you can check out our review on the Nokia Lumia 920 for a look at how the PureView camera performs in low light tests.
DJRipster Web Developer

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