Saturday, October 20, 2012

LG Spectrum receive Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

The LG Spectrum for Verizon is now receiving the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich software update which brings Android to version 4.0.4 and offers software version VS920ZV7 on the device. The update is around 384MB in size, so be sure to connect to your Wi-Fi network to avoid excessive data charges. Given LG’s general lapse on providing timely updates, owners of the device will be happy to be getting their hands on the latest version of Android on their device.

With the update you will receive a refreshed UI similar to the one on the LG Optimus G, with a new customizable lock screen and a large clock. The update also has the following features and improvements along with the enhancements and security from Ice Cream Sandwich.

Software Enhancements
  • Firmware Over The Air (FOTA) is now supported.
  • Watch & Learn videos are supported via streaming.
  • Improved voice clarity during voice calls.
  • Power button turns on LCD backlight while on a voice call.
  • Added Viewdini app
The following apps have been upgraded for improved performance:
  • Play Store
  • Gmail
  • Talk
  • YouTube
You can review more details on the update along with instructions by following the source link. If you have updated your device, please share your experience with the ICS update with us the following comments section.

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